Governor Ongwae Accused of Corruption After This Video Surfaces

Photo: Governor Ongwae(Source/Standardmedia)

Kenyenya stadium nestled in Kisii county demonstrates the level of corruption that has been nipping on our nation. Contrary to being zippy and well-established, the Stadium sprawls as an eyesore

The main gate that opens up to the stadium will adrenalize you and probably have you thinking if the senior politicians are aware of this collapsing state of social amenity. 

The atypical stadium has offered up extensive spaces for the locals to tether their animals and watch as they graze freely in the green stadium. Not good. 

From the video, you'll notice congenial locals touring past the stadium through the many paths that zig-zag this area of football fun. 

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Pools of water can be seen etching the stadium, with murky spots fringing them.

It's reported that the Kisii county government, under the leadership of Governor James Ongwae, received money allocated for the facelifting of stadiums across the country. However, locals have alleged that Ongwae is a corrupt leader who has only moved a nerve to see to it that crude fences exclude the stadium from the outside world. 

Pondering over these allegations, we remember the time members of parliament attached to DP Ruto's camp called for the arrest of the Kisii county boss over allegations of corruption. 

As stated by the lawmakers, the governor misappropriated money allocated for development within the county.