WATCH: Kenya-Germany Agree on 250K Jobs for Kenyan Youths


Chancellor Olaf Scholz's State Visit to Kenya on Thursday further strengthened the already positive relations between the two countries. During a bilateral meeting and press conference held at State House Nairobi, President William Ruto appealed for the removal of immigration barriers that hinder Kenyans from accessing employment opportunities in Germany.

To address Germany's significant labor requirements, the Chancellor agreed to allow 250,000 skilled, semi-skilled, and professional Kenyans to work in Germany.

The leaders also concurred on the urgency of addressing climate change and the need for global cooperation to mitigate its impacts. President Ruto emphasized that discussions on this issue should not only focus on adaptation, loss, and damage but should also include climate financing, trading, and investment.

To ensure that Africa's perspectives on climate change are heard clearly, President Ruto announced his plan to host the African Climate Action Summit in Nairobi from September 4 to 6. The summit will allow African leaders and experts to consolidate their positions ahead of COP28, and Chancellor Scholz committed to supporting it financially and technically.