Podcast: 1984 by George Orwell - Part 2, Section 8

The two take a serious risk by traveling to O’Brien’s together. Inside his sumptuous apartment, O’Brien shocks Winston by turning off the telescreen.

Believing that he is free of the Party’s observation, Winston boldly declares that he and Julia are enemies of the Party and wish to join the Brotherhood. 

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O’Brien tells them that the Brotherhood is real, that Emmanuel Goldstein exists and is alive, and leads them through a ritual song to initiate them into the order of rebellion. 

O’Brien gives them wine, and Winston proposes that they drink to the past. Julia leaves, and O’Brien promises to give Winston a copy of Goldstein’s book, the manifesto of the revolution. O’Brien tells Winston that they might meet again one day. 

Winston asks if he means in the place where there is no darkness, and O’Brien confirms by repeating the phrase. 

O’Brien fills Winston in on the missing verses from the St. Clement’s Church rhyme. As Winston leaves, O’Brien turns on the telescreen and returns to his work.

Next: Part 2, Section 9 >>>

SparkNotes Editors. “George Orwell 1984.” SparkNotes.com, SparkNotes LLC, 2005.