The next morning, Julia makes the practical preparations for their return to London, and she and Winston head back to their normal lives. Over the coming weeks, they arrange several brief meetings in the city.
At a rendezvous in a ruined church, Julia tells Winston about living in a hostel with thirty other girls, and about her first illicit sexual encounter.
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Unlike Winston, Julia is not interested in widespread rebellion; she simply likes outwitting the party and enjoying herself.
She explains to Winston that the Party prohibits sex in order to channel the sexual frustration of the citizenry into fervent opposition to Party enemies and impassioned worship of Big Brother.
Winston tells Julia about a walk he once took with his ex-wife Katherine, during which he thought about pushing her off a cliff. He says that it would not have mattered whether he pushed her or not, because it is impossible to win against the forces of oppression that govern their lives.
Next: Part 2, Section 4 >>>
SparkNotes Editors. “George Orwell 1984.”, SparkNotes LLC, 2005.