If you've struggled to set money aside in savings, a significant emergency expense can cause you incredible amount of stress.
Fortunately, depending on your financial situation, you may be able to get an emergency loan from digital loan app provider - OKash.
The good thing about OKash Emergency Loan is that it comes in form of a personal loan which typically will have no restrictions on how you spend your funds. Talk of financial freedom even when your pocket is caught between a rock and a hard place!
As such, if you don't have enough savings to cover an emergency expense, OKash emergency loan guarantees you ability to bridge the gap.
If your credit is in decent shape, you are assured of getting an emergency loan from the OKash app instantly anytime and anywhere at a reasonable interest rate.
Preparing for the Next Emergency
Once you get your loan amount wired into your M-Pesa wallet, don't be like that ungrateful frog which was helped to cross river only to insult the helper upon reaching the other side.
Repaying your loan on time is the best way to ensure that you don't 'insult' the person or the entity that gave you a shoulder to lean on during your darkest hour.
That goes a long way in giving you the peace of mind because you know where to turn to should you find yourself in the same position in future. Otherwise, if you have no intention to repay your OKash emergency loan, the best thing to do is to avoid it in the first place!