"A man leaves his father and mother to get married, and becomes like one person with his wife," so does the Scripture say in Ephesians 5:31.
However, this does not seem to be the case in present times among many couples if the kind of shaky relationships in many families is anything to go by.In rural Central Kenya, for instance, it is a common phenomenon to find a newly married young man leaving his wife in the village to go to town in the name of work which is perfectly in order. There's nothing wrong with that, one has to admit.
What is of concern though with the whole thing of the man leaving behind his wife in the village to take care of the household, is that some men often seem to forget that this was not the main reason they got married their in the first place.
This apparent lack of understanding as to why a man and woman leave their respective families to come together, is the main reason why you will for example hear a typical man from Central Kenya saying, 'nie onakorwo ndinukaga maingi, mutumia wakwa ndari kindu agaga. M-Pesa yagiukire' (Even if I don't go home regularly, there is nothing that my wife lacks. There is mobile money transfer).
Indeed, that could be true to the last word. In fact, their husbands have even employed shamba boys and housegirls for them to help with domestic chores sometimes leaving the wive's job being widely managerial.
Unfortunately, these are the same wives whom you will likely hear prey on their male farmhands and end up bringing unmeasured shame and grief to their dedicated but absentee husbands.
But why would such a wife stray with all this apparent comfort? The reasons are pretty obvious.
1. Starvation
Many of these women who are mostly young, despite having everything provided for them by their husbands, are sexually starved as their husbands only appear to them once in a blue moon. With all the youthful hormones in such a wife, you do not sincerely expect them to have any synergy with the brain. Do you?
2. Side-kicks (Tucungwa)
Your wife isn't a fool! Is she? When the only time you appear in the village is during Christmas or during a family get-togethers she has got all the reasons to think anything and everything about you and draw her own conclusions, whether right or wrong.
This is moreso if she knows that you are the type that can't go for few days without 'putting your fingers in the honeypot'.
So, when you hear that she is hanging out with your farmhand, don't be quick to react because she is almost certain that you are likely to have another honeypot in town where you regularly quench your insatiable appetite as she suffers endless dryspells in the village.
3. Well-Fed
When all your wife does back in the village the whole day is to feed on milk and eggs while watching Inooro TV's blood-warming dubbed Hindi telenovelas, what do you expect?
That said though, it's of essence to note that this is a general observation and the article does not in anyway seek to ostricize Central Kenya rural women in any way or does it mean to encourage marital infidelity under whatever circumstances. Wives and husbands should always strive to remain faithful to each other till God knows when.