Major Distinctive Traits That Traditionally set the Kiambu, Muranga and Nyeri Women Apart

There are three distinct Kikuyu women based on the three traditional regions of Gikuyuland; Nyeri (Gaki wa Tetu), Muranga (Metumi Ndigi) and Kiambu (Kabete).

The three ladies according to Gikuyu Centre of Cultural studies, have different traits and behavioral characteristics that set them apart from one other. 

Below is a brief overview of the three ladies as documented by GCCS.

1. Kiambu Lady

She is said to be radiant and generous and therefore, welcoming. You will rarely knock on this woman's door and fail to be welcomed with a 'cup of tea'.

She is also said to be outgoing (Waceera/Njeri) because of her entrepreneural nature and trade. She's, therefore, economically better than the Murang'a and Nyeri women.

This can be traced back to the old days where this woman was more in trade than anything else more so with the Maasais at the present day Dagoretti market. 

As a result, she was well dressed and you could see her adorning Maasai attires acquired through the trade.

2. Muranga Woman

She is gracious and will afford you a comfortable stay at her homestead though her generosity is way behind that of the Kiambu woman. However, you will not sleep hungry when she is around.

Traditionally, in terms of riches, she came second to the Kiambu woman as she was doing more of farming than any other thing. As a result, Muranga was considered the food basket of Kikuyuland. This woman was the best grain farmer you could ever think of.

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3. Nyeri Woman

Violence and other stereotypes that have come to characterize the Nyeri lady aside, this woman cannot be said to be so generous and traditionally could only afford you a combative smile if not a frown.

Though not poor, she came last in terms of riches as Kiambu and Muranga women were way much ahead of her. She is traditionally said to have been in a haphazard blend of trade and farming sort of economic activity.