M-A-L-E: The 4 Things at the Centre of Every Modern Kikuyu Man's Life

A Kikuyu man is one interesting being who undoubtedly affirms the beauty and marvel of God's creation work.

While Kikuyu men are perhaps the most stereotyped masculine members of Kenya's 44 tribes, getting to know what defines them can help you change your biases and perceptions of them.

So, what are these 4 things that define a typical Kikuyu man?

Well, the short answer is, M-A-L-E; that is, every Kikuyu man desires - Money, Adventure, Land and Entertainment. Let's focus on each at a time.

1. Money

There is no doubt that the industrious and entrepreneurial nature of Kikuyu men is informed by their desire to make money.

A Kikuyu man's life simply revolves around money and will always be ready to use any means necessary, legit or otherwise, to accumulate as much money as possible.

This is because all the other three aspects of his lifestyle are pegged on money. Yes, 'mbesha!' Before he makes what he considers to be real money, all the other things remain at the peripheral and least of his priorities.

This is perhaps why some have a fallacy that Kikuyu men aren't romantic and are stingy. They're romantic but not before they achieve their set MONEY goal.

2. Adventure

Once a Kikuyu man has made real money and has comfortably invested in a number of profitable enterprises, he will now be ready to sit down and enjoy the fruits of his hard labour.

He will seek to explore the world to the extent his money can possibly allow him.

3. Land

Have you ever wondered why many Kikuyu radio and TV stations are always advertising plots of land for sale?

It is because land companies know that they have a ready market in Gikuyu men. A Kikuyu man without a parcel of land somewhere, will always feel much poorer than a church mouse.

4. Entertainment

I need not tell you that a Kikuyu man with money is like a missile fired to space. He is simply unstoppable because he will never hesitate from taking his wife or 'gacungwa' (side-kick) for a 'mugithi' night.

While there, he will constantly encourage the woman to spend as much as she can on his bill while reminding her 'tiriria ciagaga' (it is not like the time I used to have nothing).