A Dissection of Ruto's March 25 Declaration, What it Means to UhuRaila


DP William Ruto (DailyBulletins).

The 2022 elections are fast approaching and as expected, political binoculars have been aimed on three political operatives; Uhuru Kenyatta, William Ruto and Raila Odinga. The trio are the axes of the country’s politics and they are set to define the pattern of succession politics.

UhuRaila have joined forces against William, the lone ranger. The later's moves are closely monitored with his utterances eliciting an array of theories and his 25/03/21 was no different. During an interview with Radio Citizen, the deputy president opined that his team is ever ready to join arms with like-minded leaders to uplift the poor man’s plight.

Ruto’s hustler movement is designed to empower the downtrodden an ideology that has put him at loggerheads with his critics. His statement has an encrypted message to Kenyatta and Agwambo respectively.

To Raila, Ruto has communicated thus, ‘’Am willing to work with you provided you buy my ideologies’’. Let it be remembered that the aforenamed doyens previously worked together between 2005 and 2013, though they took different ways prior to 2013 elections, there is time to scatter and time to gather and 2022 may be such a time. Staking on their vast political experience and endearing nature, Raila-Ruto ticket will be unstoppable a force.

To Uhuru, Samoei has explicitly told him he is a free being with his own stance and he can’t support that contravenes his ideology. Ruto is propagating his gospel across the social-economic cleavages with Uhuru advocating for inclusive society, this clearly shows the duo are reading from different scripts and Samoei is not willing to relinguish his ideology in favour of any other.

From the very utterance, the man from Sugoi has disguisingly warned his boss not to play with Jakom for he may not like the outcome. Assuming that Kenyatta will betray Jakom, this will create a conducive environment for Odinga-William reunification, this will be a lethal a weapon