Developing the following four basic habits can help you keep your CreditHela Loan limit healthy and growing. CreditHela loans range between Sh1,500 and Sh80,000.
As you will find out, all that you require is consistency and kaboom! you are on the right path to building a constantly growing CreditHela loan limit.
1. Pay Your CreditHela Loan on Time
The most important thing you can do to build a good CreditHela limit is to pay your loan on time. To make sure you don't accidentally miss a CreditHela loan repayment deadline, consider setting up a monthly reminder.
You should also consider reviewing your balance and making payments say in instalments throughout the month instead of waiting until your loan comes due. This can help you avoid interest and make sure you don't miss on any payment.
Remember, any payment made more than 30 days past the due date can stay on your credit report for several years.
CreditHela M-Pesa Paybill Number: 7186653
2. Keep Your Borrowing Moderate Against Your CreditHela Limit
As a general rule, keeping your borrowing on CreditHela moderate against the allowed limit will keep your limit from harm. Those with highest CreditHela loan limits tend to have their borrowing kept in moderate levels.
3. Check Your CreditHela Limit Regularly
It's always handy to know where your CreditHela loan limit stands and how it has changed over time. This helps you understand what effect your actions may have had to your borrowing limit.
4. Apply for New CreditHela Loan When Needed
Applying for loans regularly on CreditHela App is good for your loan limit growth. It's a signal that you are able to manage your borrowing. But too many unplanned credit applications, may get you into trouble; that is you reach to a point that you are unable to honour your repayment obligations and thus becoming a credit risk.