Here is a Stern Warning by Kikuyu 'Elder' to Mt Kenya's Fanatical, Youthful Supporters of Ruto

Deputy President William Ruto. (Photo/Facebook)

By Collins Wanderi

Forensic expert, sociopolitical commentator & Rtd KAF Captain.

Something is happening around the Great Mountain. Whether it is a good thing or not, only time will. 

But history and science teaches us that whenever volcanic mountains go astir, they become an imminent risk to the climate; environmental, health, safety and well being of humans; animals, plants and everything else around them.

My brothers and sisters in the vicinity of the Great Mountain, better beware of the lurking avalanche and/or rochê moutonnée! Our ancestors said:

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a) Mûremwo nî ndûúgo egwatagia nja îrî mahiga! (Excuse for failure is nonsense).

b) Mûrega akîrwo ndaregaga akîhetwo. (Abide by the warning lest you regret)

c) Maî marî turì matininaga nyoota! (A bird in hand is worth two in the bush).

As a junior elder this is my advice to the Muumo & Kamatìmû age-sets around the Great Mountain:

í) Mwîîri eîtaga nyoko. (A stubborn person thinks they know it all). 

ìì) Irimû rîkûî rîtikûriaga rîgakûnina. (An ogre that knows you will eat you tactfully).

iii) Igego rîthekagia itimû. (An impending danger makes no announcement). 

"Aanake na airîtu aitû, kinyai kahora. Nawe Mûthuri wa kîama wîyûrie nûû waitire mahiga gîthaku gîaku. Amba ûhate mahiga marî thoome nîguo tûine kîfaata na mûgoiyo! Rwîmbo rûtarî mûkûi nî kûbaca rûbacaga. Na ûmenye mûndû wîna rîgu kanua ndaragia. Ng'aragu ndîheagwo ûhoro! Mūthuri mûûgî ndarumaga ciana, wa rûciû ndûûîyo, na nî kîgambaga mbwe!"

Nî ndatìrìha, gîtigaite na ndumo! Kîmenyi amenye, cia mûciî ti como!

TRANSLATION: Mt Kenya Region is astir, but the issues at hand are not political and CAN'T be solved politically or by any politician! It is that simple.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of 254 NewsDay.