Wisemen run for elective offices when they know they stand a chance of securing victory but don't run for the sake of running.
Photo: COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli (Star.co.ke).Trade unionist Francis Atwoli is popular for many reasons among them is his zeal of smashing his phone wherever William Ruto's name is mentioned within his earshot. In Ruto's list of political enemies, Atwoli's name is in bold courtesy of his spirited Ruto-Will-Never-Be-Kenyan-President gospel.
Whereas Samoei's fandoms remain optimistic of the future, COTU Secretary has severally foretold that the son of Sugoi will never be Kenyan president leave alone his name appearing on the presidential ballot box.
Assuming Atwoli was not exercising his jaws, chances are; his prophecy will come to pass and William's presidential course will turn out to be a journey that never was. Besides the holy writ warns us in Proverbs 27:1 that we should desist from boasting about tomorrow for we don't know what a day may bring, so? Those anticipating for Ruto presidency should hold their horses and harken to what Webuye-born prophet has for them.
Practically, should one of the following events occur, then Atwoli will be christened a true prophet.
Dualism has persistently reminded us that there are two antagonistic forces and many a times, people are much inclined to the positive than they are to to negative pole. I mean; human being wants to live but not to die, make merry but not to seeth in pain such and such.
Like any other being, William Ruto will one day die. Though none knows his/her day, Azrael (the angel of death) is capable of striking anytime, today inclusive. Literally, dead people don't run for elective seats and should that be the case (God forbid) Samoei's name will not be on the ballot come 2022.
Return of Jesus Christ
The son of Mary and Joseph is one of the famous characters in the New Testament so he is to Christians. He ransomed his life to save us from the bondage of our transgressions. Though he was apprised of that was to befall him in Golgotha, he assured his followers (read Matthew 24:43) that he will return like a thief in the night.
In his Song, Pay Day, Reggae maestro Culture is posing a question of when will the pay day be? Despite of speculating, he fails to ascertain the exact day when pay day will be and that's the case with Christians. None knows when Christ will return. Assuming Jesus of Nazareth decides to give us a surprise of our lives by returning between now and 2022 July, will IEBC still conduct presidential elections? What of Ruto's name appearing on the ballot? Will Atwoli be a prophet of doom?
Before your name (assuming you are a presidential hopeful) makes its way into IEBC's database as an aspirant, one must pass integrity test as stipulated by chapter six of Kenyan constitution. Failure to pass this test will mechanically see your name missing in one of the six electoral ballot boxes.
Ruto's name has been floating around a number of scandalous dealings among them KPC land saga, Arror and Kimwarer dams scandal, Weston Hotel land grabbing, Maize scandal, Fake fire arm deal, which other scandal have I missed?
Though the above allegations are yet to be substantiated by the court of law, suppose Kenya's investigative bodies comes forth with justifiable evidence attaching William as the perpetrator, won't his integrity be dented? Is that an integrity pass or a fail? Its definitely a fail and men or women with such a dent are barred from running for any elective seat leave alone holding public offices.
Its written nowhere that William Ruto MUST be on the presidential ballot box come 2022. Wisemen run for elective offices when they know they stand a chance of securing victory but don't run for the sake of running.
William is presently an haunted man and its by grace he is still standing, politically that's. Should his course turn carcinogenic, he may decide to retreat, revamp himself and possibly he will bounce back in 2027 or there after, besides, he is 'young' and the future is within his reach.
Other variables such as health failure, tactical retreat, endorsing different candidate should equally be put in contention. Perhaps this is the matrix Atwoli is using to forecast that Samoei's name will not be on the ballot. All said, what will will and what won't won't.