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If we did that consensus on on too tight on three issues. It's never one of them, presented on a content, consensus on a process and constant timing on time here.
Yeah, we have we have almost concluded the consensus on content, you know, we've we've traveled a huge chunk of the way. What we are just asking is, why don't we get the judicial Service Commission to do a process nominate the Ombudsman, he be taken to a Senate approved by the Senate appointed by the President that way. The judiciary will not feel.
Somebody have been budgeted today. It's a simple thing. Number two, and I'm saying just finalizing the content, we also say we agree completely with the 75th. But then somebody that didn't consider this because indeed.
There are areas that are underrepresented, the quality of the petition is a cardinal principle of any democracy and and that's why we support distributed deceit, and that is why we kind of intermittently said no we can't pass, even those 70 was initially they were nominations, but we said nominations will benefit an individual, but constituencies will benefit people through representation and resources. And we are very happy that it was changed.
We were only asking that that 70 within that 70. Maybe the IBC be allowed to vary by up to 15 or 20%, so that we take care of some outlying areas like we're complaints we have in the country, in ijarah, in, in delissa, in wadiya towns in, in marsabit, in kinako pa in Kenny, Kenny is a huge constituency for, for example, sorry, migos, so we are we are just to say the app so you're saying, you would like those other people to accept all the things that you are not allowed to be, because it has to give and take, what are you willing to give no permission we are seeing if what we are seeing is reasonable.
And I believe it is reasonable. For example, we are seeing women should be brought back to National Assembly for three reasons. Number one, we make women representation as elected as possible not not not nominations.
Number two, we must give women, an opportunity to be nominated to cabinet, because cabinet now he's been nominated from the National Assembly. We must give women the opportunity to participate in the serious business that is going on in the National Assembly, especially on matters resources of our nation.
And we must give women the opportunity to continue the good job they're doing with national coverage. You see, two reasonable things, and everybody I have talked to think, yeah, maybe we are just we are disenfranchising women. If we tell them, go to Senate, and then look to the National Assembly, and yet we are rock bottom the government into the National Assembly. They also tell you it makes sense to have that benefit in 2027, not 2022. You see, a job. We are making this proposals. We are not saying all these proposals must pass, which is that is reasonable.
Like the other proposals we have made the work on, they were looked at favorably, and because I trust president Uhuru Kenyatta to look at something. And he, and when he sees sense. He goes through the sense. And the reason and i and i and i hope that this is the process we are getting into. It's not that we are trying to be belligerent, you know, we're trying to put issues, and if they have merit, they should be considered on their merit, bill number two on process, we are seeing Joe, surely be this just aback parliament is already considering a referendum bill that has options, even before we said it. Having options is not something that is going to be unique to Kenya. I have told you. Next week content, Liberia will be going to for a referendum, together with an election in Liberia, with three different options.
Many countries have done this with different options, and it is just it's just, you know, which are the other thing about these which are these things are you willing to compromise on. I mean, if you find any of it you can persuade us that any of these is no you have to be persuaded, there is no probably one of them for you to say we are putting these things on the table, we add is possible, especially like to me. I haven't used it as deputy to act.
And to do the most that I can so that this project, which he is eating succeed. And, and comes out with, at best, resort at is possible, does the job or deputy president is my boss and aside also, because I know he believes that we should not divide this country. That is why, even at this late hour.
I am pushing that the best way not to divide this country to yours, and no winners and losers. All or Nothing is to take anything for a friend with five items, or six items. Let cannot choose. That way, you can say yes to three, no to two years to four, something like that. Let me count the votes, and that's what happens what I'm just trying to understand because this is a process that is political in nature and most people that are talking yourself into that our political leaders that people listen to.
So the question I'm asking is, are you saying tonight that all those issues you raised out there yesterday he barely, barely four. If those four questions if all of those four issues are not resolved in the manner that you'd like them to be resolved, then you are not part of what's going to happen with the referendum, but we are seeing Joe, you know, we are making a contribution.
We opportunity kennon persuading them. We are optimistic. You know when I spoke for example, in bombers. I was not expecting that everything is going to be taken on board, and in fact not everything was taken on board, but that does not stop me from doing that, I think, and that's why I said yesterday, and I'm again telling you today. And I'm telling every Kenyan, it is never too late to do it right so a lot of people including a lot of people who support you.
And the question I'm asking tonight, even on their behalf is as follows. Yes, what would it take for, William subway router to take part in the referendum, that is coming up whenever it comes I am already taking part by making this contribution You said you are not going to be part of something that, in your view divides get there, I want to understand we are not there, What did you take out of the four, because I love that by the way, already we have made progress.
There are some outstanding issues. I believe that reason, will prevail because we are dealing with intelligent responsible caring people, so that we can agree. Even if we agree midway. We have no problem. We can also agree on process. We can do so you're saying that compromise.
We are clear you don't have to get your way in all of we don't have to get away with everything. If we agreed for example, on a multiple choice. It is another way of making sure that even if we didn't agree on some of the major things, then that people can choose from the buffet, that will be presented me.
Finally, we are also saying, Let us agree on whether to hold the election now, or to hold that election but the referendum, whether to hold the referendum now, or to hold it along the election in 2022 let's talk about the proposal. Let's talk about the process of that consensus here, then that you're talking about because two days ago you tweeted and said I have a constitutional duty to assist my boss, the President, we've made improvements to the VBA post Boma now working on consensus or Kenyans to have real choices I'm I'm interested in this working what exactly are you doing, working on consensus, we spend almost seven hours yesterday, working.
Yeah, trying to hang out and be fed I know that echo chamber knows that people who kind of share within view that's why you out there, anything. Absolutely. But what I don't know they like the way they love the taste of it that way. We had to be debate for four hours.
I mean, Pika reasonable people, these are not cows. No, no, just following people who are intelligent. My point is, people. Fair enough. Yeah. So where does it go from, you know, we have, we have, we have taken into account the progress that has been made.
We have said, there are still outstanding issues on the table for other graduates table but for others to consider which table because, as far as I am concerned because I see what is happening and I'm sure you do. There is Britain or Canada. Yes, its former president, former prime minister Raila Odinga Yeah, there's two people who started the handshake, and they are pushing this BBI issue very actively and they are very good about them by then there is the BBI Secretariat.
So, I want to understand practically tonight from you. What is that step that you're taking in terms of engaging directly with any of these people, to make sure that what you set out here actually goes into that because unless you're saying well you're interesting. What are you under your information Joe. I'm more responsible than that. So, as I, as a matter of duty. I consult tech advice. Tech direction regularly with the president of Kenya because he's my boss.
And I am, I have a duty to advise him on all these things, right. So, don't just assume that I am just talking guff, I'm not. So you are advising I am way. So you're advising him on to me is a boon to responsible to do that. So you're advising on API when we are not always on all these on all these matters.
They are important to the country supervising the President, as well, and they are chances for us to consult and to make sure that we are taking the country in the direction that we are united. So, and part of the reason why I do not have the luxury to take this decision, or go this way you know many people imagine all, you know, we're going to take this division. You know, my friend. Beyond William Ruto. I'm also deputy president.
And I have a huge responsibility on my shoulders, even as I tell you about the situation of the economy is because I know many of the other people who are running these processes and and talking, they do not have the information that President Uhuru Kenyatta and I have. So, I know what I'm saying. In short, yeah, I have had that's why I'm ready for us to build consensus on the content to build consensus on the process to build consensus on whether we want to have this referendum.
Now, or in 2022, and we should talk a little about people. We are Kenya's digital country, even as the people say, Oh, you know, the bus station. I don't know they don't have been shot. I mean, why why we lifted the station going where these all come to my head, and it is never too late to do the right thing. I am of the view that if what we are seeing on estimate is something that can be considered. We can re publish these been before, the signature are presented to a to IBC okay oh we can mobilize parliament to provide the law for us to have a consensus referendum, where we are not boxing Kenyans into yours. No, we are giving them real options in fact if you read my tweet correctly. I have seen, really.
Yes, they are what they call it that shows. I was just worried about the, the process, the work that you're doing, towards the consensus or now that you bring up the issue of the President. A few years ago to February last year I think it was when you were in London, into speaking to the BBC, and you told Stephen Sokka that your relationship with the President.
At that point was rock solid. You wouldn't say that today would you. Why would why why would I say that, but but we have seen many indications to it the first one the other day you were missing from the COVID-19 conference, you said COVID is very important, but you'll see there are empty feet had to be removed.
Doesn't it bother you that things like that, give an impression of disrespect to your boss who you say you have an opportunity to for information Joe, there was a reason why I was not there.
There was also a reason why I wasn't in a in KCC and all those reasons are reasons that are valid. I put your program they notice I have a very careful when it comes to attendance of my duties and very clearly those people who had the program with your name on it. Got it. No you're not Canada.
That's okay. You know it doesn't. You can have. You can be absent, with a reason, which no one acknowledged. All you got to acknowledge the reason but you are not there. No Did you, did you find out too from anybody, just assuming no public your what you're doing is you're assuming the normal thing when I see you are.
When you attend the meeting. Cost my relationship with my boss, which is not a place you i don't i discourage you from going there, watching me and my boss, only to the extent that that relationship is interfering.
At least publicly, to the perception of that national unit level talking about perception. Perception is reality. You're talking about that you are a symbol of National Union, yes the moment the public out here, sees what looks like a difference between you and the president, it causes a return you've been talking about the information.
The President has never told anybody in private or public that William Ruto has a conduct on duty. Neither have I complained that I have a problem the president. Why would you. I just cited an example that he never liked, but you know he got a good one example you don't have benefactor that is an assumption in the fact that we saw was that you were there, the President was there. He was supposed to do your choosing doing there. I think my good brother, Joe. The relationship between me and President Kenyatta is not a subject of any discussion.
That is, is my boss. And you will never discuss your boss. Okay. Let's move to the party this is gonna be the final one. So Joe, and a few months ago you at the party headquarters and there was quite a scenario there the President was out of the country and you showed up with some MPs who hadn't been quite to the party headquarters for perhaps two or three years. And we sort of unusual development there.
We later saw the Secretary General of the party making quite some interesting remarks to the effect that you had gone there to promote activities of a breakaway faction. When we spoke here two months ago you said that Jubilee was not running properly. That was a finite thing can anything changed. Well, again, I have raised my issues with the Secretary of the party.
My presence individually at Kota is nothing new. You know, who does the party where I am the Deputy party leader for anybody to raise any issue about my presence individually at GoDaddy completely to miss the point. In fact, I will be making many more trips to Juliette Cortez because we need to prepare the party for the future.
And there will be no people talking because we run a huge party. And there will be people who have these ideas, a lot of data, other different ideas, which sometimes is usually in political parties but we are cut for that kind of a joke, we will run into the issues from the touchy ear but that was a lot more than just people uncomfortable with you going there because we saw even a very public difference of opinion within the party, about the position that Jubilee needed to take with regard to them in some way and by election where you publicly said that, that would not have been your view, yet the party said they are not going to take power so that is it. Some officials had made, and they had already made a decision without my knowledge, but which is sometimes, okay.
But when I when the big issue like fielding a candidate well sometimes it happens. So you saw some of our members for example when we had a candidate in Kibera some of our members went to campaign for a different candidate. So sometimes things like this happened in the party. And I said, then that, Though I my dreams would have been different, but we needed to accommodate in so many things, a decision had been made, I decided, Okay, let's go with that decision.
So it therefore mean, members of our party can therefore, choose, whoever they want to, to vote for. Now that the party does not have a contract, and that is what's going on. So there is no there is no big issue Let's not make a out of nothing. When asked you. In August, you said the party was not functioning properly has not changed. You still have challenges, but there there are challenges that we can overcome.
Because the end of May the challenges with our challenges we can overcome. I still running for president. That is a decision that will be made farther down the road. From the moment I am Deputy President, I have a job to do. And I am focused on doing.
All right. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, Joe and I hope we have agreed on this, that the issues we are raising William Ruto have nothing personal. To gain or lose. In this referendum, I, I have absolutely no show you another negative mention it is not with me but.
So that, so that people don't think that we are pushing my own Mystique in this referendum is number one, to make sure that we are changing the Constitution, we are changing the Constitution in a manner to make it go forward, not go backwards. Number two is that we must do it in a manner that does not divide Kenyans.
And that is my responsibility, and most of that is because I also have a duty to support and assist, my boss who is driving this process to make sure that the right thing happens. All right.
Thank you very much. Thank you very much, Joe. All right, thank you very much for watching I interview young and second to the Deputy President William Ruto thinking about the DPI and related events. Thank you very much. Now take a short break and lay Gomorrah. In the back with the day's Business News.