The Crazy Era Of Frantic Online Memes

Angry spongebob.(Source|Google Photos)

Nearly five years ago, the general theme of memes was obscure and unimaginable to many. The few, who had ideas of how memes look like, then had scanty knowledge of their utility. Whoever at that time had an account with any social media platform, would clearly relate the contrast of the nature of posts between that time and now.

The methods of conveying information across the internet, specifically on social media platforms, have evolved into something different. Thanks to smart digital technologies! Nowadays, the subject of memes is so prolific among social media users, especially the youth. It is thrilling to notice the frequency with which memes are born. A hilarious fact is that, almost everything taking place within our vicinity and touching to lives of people has readily become fodder for generating memes.

It happens sometimes that, the subject highlighted on a meme might overstretch and invoke nostalgic childhood memories that majority had long forgotten by the time of viewing the meme. Such topics often and perfectly draw emotions associated with faded life occurrences in the viewer’s mind.

Most youth penchant of using WhatsApp shall bear witness how it their daily routine to upload memes to their media accounts, and caption interesting phrases to it which, elicit galore humor from the viewers. This group concerned with uploading regular memes is what you will occasionally hear being referred to meme lords.

The pack of meme lords ensure that your bad day ends well with a package of good laughter, as you routinely swipe through your phone before snoozing off at night . However, since one man’s meat is another man’s poison, it is ordinary fact that in as much as some people would be happy at reading some meme, others would simultaneously be frowning at it, feeling targeted and abused but that it the order of life- nothing is made to suit everyone.